How to Request New Shows and Movies from Netflix

If you’re a Netflix user who’s tired of scrolling through the same old content and wishing for something new and exciting to watch, you’ll be pleased to know that you can actually request new shows and movies directly from Netflix. While the streaming giant has a vast library of content, sometimes users crave specific titles that are not yet available on the platform. Here’s how you can make your voice heard and potentially influence Netflix’s content selection:

1. Use the ‘Request a Title’ Page

The most straightforward way to request new content is by using the ‘Request a Title’ page on the Netflix website. Simply log in to your Netflix account, go to the help center, and look for the ‘Request TV shows or movies’ option. Here, you can type in the titles you’d like to see on Netflix.

2. Engage on Social Media

Netflix pays attention to social media, so another way to request new shows and movies is by engaging with the platform on sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can tag Netflix’s official accounts in your posts and use popular hashtags to make your requests more visible.

3. Participate in Surveys and Studies

Occasionally, Netflix conducts surveys and studies to gather user preferences and feedback. By participating in these surveys, you can directly share your thoughts on the type of content you’d like to see on Netflix. Keep an eye out for survey invitations in your inbox.

4. Explore the ‘Coming Soon’ Section

While you can’t request specific titles in this section, exploring the ‘Coming Soon’ category on Netflix can give you insights into the upcoming releases. If you see a title you’re excited about, you can engage with the content by watching trailers, adding it to your list, and sharing your enthusiasm on social media.

By following these steps, you can actively participate in shaping Netflix’s content library and have a say in the shows and movies that get added to the platform. Remember that while Netflix considers user feedback, licensing agreements and other factors also influence content decisions. So, keep your requests polite and constructive, and who knows – your favorite show might just make its way to Netflix soon!